Saturday, March 13, 2010

From Doldrums To Delights

Tulips, daffodils and forsythia have long been associated as being harbingers of spring. They are a welcome site after the doldrums of winter. However, these popular plant icons are not the only ones we have to look forward to. There are others out there that not only compliment the fore mentioned, but if used effectively, can extend your garden experience from early spring to late fall/early winter.

Cornus officinalis ‘Morris Arboretum’, the Japanese Cornel Dogwood, is a small tree or large shrub noted for its early yellow flowers in March. In fact, it is believed to flower one to two weeks earlier than the more popular Cornus mas, Corneliancherry Dogwood. Morris Arboretum’s claim to fame is that its flowers are abundant and extended over other varieties. The bark offers shades of grey, brown and orange and its handsome rounded outline lends itself well to a smaller garden footprint. A very durable, dense canopy of thick glossy leaves can withstand temperatures of about -20 Fahrenheit. Native to Japan and Korea, Morris Arboretum is very adaptable, but prefers well drained soils. Don’t forget to look for edible red drupes and purple-red foliage in the fall. Consider using this little gem in the foreground of your garden with a backdrop of some dark green Oriental Spruce, Picea orientalis. You will build texture and create layers in a small amount of space.

Mahonia aquifolium, the Oregon Grapeholly, also offers attributes throughout the year. This evergreen shrub grows comfortably to three to six feet tall and wide. Noticeable are its bright yellow flowers in late March/early April. Borne in clusters on erect stems, these slightly fragrant flowers appear on two to three inch racemes. The common name, Grape Holly, refers to dark blue fruits that appear from late summer through early winter, which resemble small grapes. A fan of moist, well drained soils, the biggest trick to this plants success is the protection from desiccating winds in the winter. This is crucial!! And if possible look for the cultivar “Orange Flame”. Boasting orange-bronze new foliage against darker green mature foliage is a plus for any gardener. Try to provide a bit more sun for this one though.

Conifers always seem to be forgotten when talking about garden excitement. They’re usually referred to only when talking about a proverbial hedge of “EVERGREENS’ or seen far too often dumped at the corner of a home as an inadequate anchor. How about one that offers four colors early in the spring? Picea bicolor “Howells Dwarf Tigertail” (bicolor spruce) is as exciting to a conifer lover as game seven of a subway World Series is to a sports fan. Where do I start? Perhaps the upward growing new shoots pushing through rose-purple buds. Or the bright silver-blue underside of the needle capped by green with hints of yellow on the most exposed branches. Almost every color is represented at one time or another on this conifer. By pruning out the main leader when young, you can maintain a flat topped, spreading conifer that will be well suited for any garden long term. As is true with most conifers, this one likes moist, well drained soil and sunshine. When possible try to tuck this one out of hot, late afternoon sun to enjoy its best color markings. Should you want a broad pyramidal tree, resist pruning the main leader and you will have a garden focal point that will offer you year round interest.

With property lots becoming increasingly smaller in New Jersey and gardening becoming one of the fastest growing hobbies, it is important not to be capricious in your plant selections as your choices will define your garden footprints. Using deciduous ornamentals, broadleaf evergreens and conifers are a great way to build color, texture and size in your landscape. And if the plants mentioned above just happen to be deer resistant, well that’s an extra bonus.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Just a Thought

“Anheuser-Busch spent $534 million dollars for advertising in 1997 and in September of 1996, Anheuser-Busch debuted its Freshness Dating, or “Born On,” system. In an effort to provide fresh beer to the marketplace, Anheuser-Busch improved its distribution practices and reduced wholesale inventories. The lower inventory levels resulted in approximately $12 million in annual savings for Anheuser-Busch’s network of beer wholesalers through improved scheduling, lower transportation costs and reduced working capital requirements. The company also communicated its freshness advantage to consumers through a comprehensive marketing campaign, which included the “Born On” freshness dates.” What does all this have to do with gardening… not a lot, but it inspired me to come up with a concept that I offered, as a suggestion, to Monrovia Growers some years back during my stint on their retail council.

What if the horticulture industry, specifically the growers of nursery product, adopted the slogan “Born On” not to refer to freshness, but to identify when a plant was originally conceived. That is when a specific plant was grafted, started from seed, made from tissue culture or grown from a cutting. At times I feel there is a lack of appreciation for what it takes to grow and market a plant. Considerable efforts are undergone to grow premium plants successfully. The challenge of mass-producing a plant at an affordable price is a priority on every growers mind. Air layering, a method developed by the Chinese to produce roots on a stem, for more difficult plants to root, is an arduous task to say the least. Grafting is the process of connecting two different plants (scion wood to rootstock) so they grow as one. Anyone who has ever taken a grafting class knows the trials and tribulations of wrapping a rubber band around the graft only to find out months later the poor success rate you have as a novice. Most of the beautiful Japanese maples you see in a garden center for sale have been grafted. Did you know that it takes roughly 6-10 years to develop a Japanese maple substantial enough to have an immediate presence in the average residential landscape? Shade trees and flowering deciduous trees have a similar time frame. A 2-2.5” caliper tree has taken some 10-15 years to make itself available for purchase. Making the transition from cutting to harvested liner, waiting for the tree to build its roots, training the form of the tree, not to mention harvesting the finished product out of the field and getting it to its final destination is an impressive feat. Even the woody ornamentals i.e. Clethra (Summersweet), Itea (Virginia Sweetspire) and Buddleia (Butterfly bush) take 3-5 years to bring to market. Your perennials can take 1-2 years to develop, depending on the finished size and perhaps the most pedestrian plant of them all; Picea glauca ‘Conica’ (dwarf Alberta spruce) takes some 7 years to develop a 3-4 foot plant.

With all the effort it takes to develop our green friends, why are some so quick to neglect the attentions that these plants have had previously? You do not have to be an expert on fertilizing, pruning and plant health care to have continued success. Rather a simple education on watering, routine pruning and occasional fertilizing is usually more than enough. When you think about it, we take care of our children making sure we tend to all aspects of their development. We feed them, house them clothe them and every moment contribute to their cognitive development. Why do some buy a living plant and expect that they are immediately self-supportive? The expectation that any plant can survive on its own, immediately after purchase, without our help is just ignorant. Too much water is just as bad as too little water! When you purchase a plant today at your local garden center many have planting instructions and cultural information on them. Not to mention a picture of what the plant should become.

The time has come for there to be an appreciation for life. Plants help clean the air we breathe, reduce the compaction of soils, beautify our surroundings and help with our emotional stability. Perhaps if we too adopted a “Born on Dating” system, people would take notice of a plants age, respect the efforts it took to develop the plant acknowledging the need for food and water and be less likely to blame the plant for any shortcomings. After all, if the average foundation plant takes 5-10 years to develop that would put them in about the fifth or sixth grade.